Spring Blog Sept 2019

Put a spring in your step with these 5 Spring wellness tips for seniors!

Winter is over and it’s time to get out of the house and do some spring cleaning, not just for your home but for your mind and body too.

Here are some tips for seniors to get that spring in your step this Spring!

1. Go for a walk every day

Just 15 minutes a day reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, cholesterol and high blood pressure. It lifts your mood and maintains balance and coordination too. 

You can use your home care package to develop a walking regime to increase your strength, flexibility and overall fitness levels. Talk to your home care coordinator about this.

2. Take care of allergies

Increased pollen levels across Adelaide over Spring can aggravate allergies. Typical symptoms are itchy or watery eyes, a runny nose, and sneezing. Avoid over the counter medications and see your doctor instead for more specific treatment. 

3. Get out and about and socialise

Have you been thinking about calling up that old friend and inviting her over for a cuppa? Why wait, give her a call, invite her for a cuppa and go for a walk together. 

Staying socially active promotes mental health and is paramount for your ongoing happiness. Read more on our blog Avoiding loneliness as you get older – ways to stay socially connected

St Louis runs social programs for seniors in both Adelaide and Victor Harbor. Our home care coordinators will help you get involved.

4. Stay hydrated – drink water

he physiological process of ageing can reduce the sense of thirst leading to dehydration in seniors. Take care to keep water with you and the best way to stay hydrated is to take regular sips of water. Invest in a good water bottle and remember to take it with you especially on your walks.

5. Get out in the garden

Australian researchers have found that those who gardened had 36% lower risk of dementia – not a statistic to be ignored!

Gardening also gets you active and into the sunshine after a winter indoors. If you don’t have a garden at home, call your local council and find out about local community gardens that need helpers. It reduces stress, promotes relaxation and the wonderful side effect is home grown nutritious veggies!

If you need a hand in the garden, use your home care package to get the help you need. We can help you plant some seedlings for summer produce, build garden beds or anything else to get your garden going again.

Call St Louis Home Care  - put a spring in your step this Spring!

St Louis Home Care Packages help our clients with whatever their lifestyle needs might be. Some use it for fitness plans, gardening, groceries, traveling to appointments, house chores, or respite care plus more. Call St Louis Home Care Adelaide on 8332 0950 or St Louis Home Care Victor Harbor on 8552 1481 for more information – we are here to help you stay safe and comfortable at home as the years go by.